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When you want to bend metal, one straight-forward method is air bending. This process consist of using two very well acclaimed elements such as a punch, die. Put the flat metal piece on die. Part 1 We then push the metal down on top of that punch. The punch pushes the metal into the die, forming a beautiful bend in our desired shape. This is to give us some room for play in the bending process as we continue.

We also have unique bend tools to assist with bending metal. A brake press is one of the most important tools. This tool requires a combination of die as well as punch to bend the metal according to dimensions. The best pick for a clean bend every time The metal bender is the other tool we use, as it was intended to fold light gauge sheet. Metal benders are designed in all sizes and shapes to accommodate a number of different bending jobs.

    Tippek és trükkök

    Bending metal can be difficult at times and some of the most common problems that you may encounter are deformed flanges. In part, this is because the bend might not appear identical every time it is performed. Different material thickness, new tools or not the same as before. This will make a bend be off center if there are high spots in the metal.

    Metal may even crack or tear during the bend; a common challenge faced. This in case you are pushing too hard or the whole is not correctly die sitting on punch. To avoid this issue you will need to control the amount of pressure that is put on the metal when it gets bent. Ensure that the punch and die also line up as required before you start. Steel which is of the highest quality has become important as well, this assists in reducing these problems happening.

    Why choose Fugao sheet metal bending?

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