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Lavorazione della lamiera

We love metal working at Fugao. We know that metal is an essential element of almost every other commodity we are using for different purposes. Aluminum, steel and copper (raw) we transform into custom metal parts. All these parts are very significant in that they help to drive the machines and devices we use on a daily basis, such as cars, aircrafts even some of medical equipment. Our team is very meticulous and committed to engineering product with quality. Our customers need to know they can have confidence in our work.

Utilizing cutting-edge technology for sheet metal processing

When we work with metal, we consider it is crucial to implement the best technology. Our team has new state-of-the-art Fugao lavorazione della lamiera that allow us to perform precise and accurate work with steel. For instance, we have powerful lasers that can cut metal to a high degree of detail. In addition, we rely on CNCs (computer numerical control) – special machines. The control of a machine which makes us to create the best product we can has doing exactly like how it was thought. With all of these tools, we are able to optimize every part that we create.

Why choose Fugao Metal sheet processing?

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